Awarded at Gdynia Film Festival as the best Polish film, this drama surprises from the first shots, when the main character Daniel Rycharski (played by Dawid Ogrodnik) appears on the screen. He prays fervently, wears rainbow-striped tracksuits, a crucifix hangs over him, and the element of his rosary is a Xanax pill. Daniel, a village artist, drives a motorcycle, is an active member of the community and participates in a rally protesting against wild boars who are terrorizing the fields. Daniel lives with his grandmother, but longs for the acceptance of his father who has rejected him. In the barn, he creates beautiful hen houses that immediately go to exhibitions. Daniel loves and is loved, even though his lover Olek is afraid to come out. However, Daniel’s idyllic country life sees cracks once an unexpected tragedy strikes their community.


Ticket can be bought here or at Kai Art Center before the screening.


Country: Poland

Director: Lukasz Gutt, Lukasz Ronduda

Language: Polish

Subtitle Language: Estonian, English